Phoenix in the news
and insights from our
thought leaders

Optimized Allocation of Illiquid Credit Portfolios

July 2023

We present a framework to optimize the allocation of loan portfolios across pools of investments, with the purpose of obtaining the best overall return on invested equity, the asset allocation, leverage and optimal cost of funding.

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Inflation Reduction Act – Focus on Clean Energy and Manufacturing

June 2023

In this report we identify specific themes related to the decarbonization of the U.S. economy that may particularly benefit from growth driven by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

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Artemis ILS Key Note Speech

March 2023

Phoenix founder Art M. was featured as a Keynote speaker at the Artemis ILS NYC conference in March 2023.

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Art Mbanefo participated in a discussion at FII 6th Edition 2022: Enabling a New Global Order

November 2022

Phoenix Founder Art Mbanefo took part in a panel discussion on how the largest intergenerational wealth transfer in history will affect future investments in technology, at FII6 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

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